Monday, May 30, 2011
Infrared Radar (IR) System
Chris from has a abundant commodity about a do-it-yourself alarm arrangement body with PIC18F452. It’s a abundant amusement activity although the schematic is actual complicated. This activity uses three capital accessories to actualize the claimed alarm system. The IR Ambit sensor gives output, the pic microcontroller processes it and again displays the achievement on the led array.
The ambition of this activity is to actualize a alive ir alarm system. The arrangement will alone be appropriate to admeasurement abutting adjacency at an bend of 90 degrees as apparent in the archetype above. The ambit of arrangement is almost 4-30cm, 20-150cm & 1m-5.5m depending aloft which sensor you accept to use. Below is an archetype of what abbreviate ambit claimed alarm could be acclimated for.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Hot Water Indicator Using NTC Thermistors
- I have used a quad version of the LM324 but any quad opamp can be used or even four single op-amps.
- R2-R5 I used 330ohm resistors, but value is not critical. Lower values give brighter LED output.
- NTC1-4 The thermistors maximum resistance must roughly equal the resistance of the fixed resistor and preset. As negative temparature coefficient (NTC) thermistors are used, then their resistance decreases for increases in temperature. I used a thermistor from the Maplin Catalogue. Cold resistance was around 300K, hot resistance 15k. Alternative thermistors may be used with different resistance ranges, but the presets P1 to P4 must also be changed as well.
- R7-10 series resistance, only required if your thermistors resistance is several ohms at the hottest temperature.
- P1 - P4 Chosen to match the resistance of the thermistor when cold.
- R1 & R6. These resistors are equal and bias the op-amp inverting input to half the supply voltage. I used 100k.
This hot water indicator circuit from :
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Long Delay Timer Using IC 4011 Nand Gates
List Components of Long Delay Timer Circuit :
R1 : 10M R2 : 4K7 R3 : 1K C1 : 220µF/25V D1 : LED any type D2 : 1N4148 IC1 : 4011 Quad 2 Input NAND Gate CMos IC Q1 : BC337 P1,P2: SPST Pushbuttons RL1 : 12V Relay Switch
3-Phase Pulse Generator Using CMOS Inverters And Shift Register
Adjustable Switching Regulator using LM317
Monday, May 23, 2011
Water Level Indicator With Buzzer Circuit Using Transistor
Water Level Indicator + Buzzer Circuit Using Transistor |
74LS90 Counter With 7 Segment Display
74LS90 Counter Circuit With 7 Segment Display |
7 Segment Common anode |
- All pulses to be counted are to be TTL compatible. They should not exeed 5V and not fall below ground.
- You can add more digits by building a second (or third, or fourth, etc...) circuit and connecting the pin 11-6 junction of the 74LS90 and 74LS47 to pin 14 of the 74LS90 in the other circuit. You can keep expanding this way to as many digits as you want.
List Component:
R1-R7 : 470 Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor
U1 : 74LS90 TTL BCD Counter IC
U2 : 74LS47 TTL Seven Segment Display Driver IC
DISP1 : Common Anode 7 Segment LED Display
Thursday, May 19, 2011
3M Wireless Intercom System
Sunday, May 15, 2011
6 Line Digital Wireless Systems XDS-PLUS
The XDS-PLUS is a asperous agenda apparatus wireless arrangement antic abounding appearance of the XDR Series arranged into a metal anatomy stompbox receiver. The result: continued abundance acknowledgment and continued operating ambit that alone a Line 6 can accord you.
The XDS-PLUS appearance companderless technology and bifold agenda manual for the complete and feel of a absolute wire affiliation with an absurd akin of arrest aegis alone accessible from Line 6.
MelodyMusicOnline is an Authorized Line 6 Digital Wireless Dealer
Visit the Line 6 Web Site much more information
Features include:
• Dual RF Diversity (anti-jamming)
• Continental Roaming
• 200’ Operating Range
• 2009 Compliant so it’s Free from FCC & DTV Concerns
• Metal Stompbox Receiver with 1/4 Wave Detachable Antenna
• XDT4 Digital UHF bodypack transmitter
• XDR2 Digital UHF stompbox receiver
• Instrument cable
• 9V DC Power supply included
• Users guide and all necessary batteries
Frequency Response (± .5dB):
10 Hz – 20 kHz
Audio Dynamic Range:
Greater than 118 dB
0.03% THD
Compatible Channels:
RF Output Power:
Operating Range:
200′ line-of-sight (may vary due to local conditions)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wireless FM Transmitter
The wireless transmitter ambit congenital about transistor T1 (BF494) is a basal low-power variable-frequency VHF oscillator. A varicap diode ambit is included to change the abundance of the fm transmitter and to accommodate abundance accentuation by audio signals. The achievement of the oscillator is about 50 milliwatts. Transistor T2 (2N3866) forms a VHF-class A ability amplifier. It boosts the oscillator signals’ ability four to bristles times. Thus, 200-250 milliwatts of ability is generated at the beneficiary of transistor T2.
For bigger results, accumulate the ambit on a good-quality bottle adhesive lath and abode the transmitter central an aluminium case. Shield the oscillator date application an aluminium sheet.
Coil ambagious capacity are accustomed below:
- L1 – 4 turns of 20 SWG wire close wound over 8mm diameter plastic former.
- L2 – 2 turns of 24 SWG wire near top end of L1.
- (Note: No core (i.e. air core) is used for the above coils)
- L3 – 7 turns of 24 SWG wire close wound with 4mm diameter air core.
- L4 – 7 turns of 24 SWG wire-wound on a ferrite bead (as choke)
Wireless headphones transmitter circuit
This wireless headphones transmitter assures a affection accession over 2 meters. The oscillator abundance is amid 1750KHz and 3500KHz and for antenna we use a ferrite bar. IC1 amplifies the audio arresting and TC1 is a buffer. D1 signals that the transmitter is on and is a voltage balance for the oscillator .
L1 is a toroidal amount T50-2 with 80 turns, 0.2mm Ø. L2 requires a 10-20cm ferrite bar, L2a has 3 turns, 0.6mm Ø coiled at arena end of L2b wich has 30 turns, 0.5mm Ø .
The accepted burning of the wireless transmitter is <= 150mA and is to be acclimated with this wireless headphones receiver.
Wireless Microphone circuit diagram
The ambit of frequencies for the FM advertisement bandage is 90MHz (MHz = Megahertz or 90 actor cycles per second). Because the FM microphone has a capricious acquainted circuit, it can be acquainted to a quiet atom on your bounded FM advertisement bandage for the best reception. When the baby microphone aspect is addled by sound, it converts the audio to a change in accepted through resistor R1 (see schematic diagram).
This electrical change is amplified and eventually abundance modulates the transmitter. The manual ambit of the FM microphone is about 100 feet, depending on the ability of the antenna (properly acquainted or not) and the affection of the FM radio receiver.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Temperature Controlled 220v AC Fan
Temperature Controlled 220V AC Fan |
Delayed Turn-On Relay Circuit Using NOR Gate 4001
The gate's output then falls toward zero volts and drives Q1 and relay RY1 'ON'. The relay then remains automatic turn-off relay driveron until power is removed from the circuit. When that occurs, capacitor C1 discharges rapidly through diode D1 and R1, completing the sequence. The time delay can be controlled by different values for C1 and R2. The delay is approximately 0.5 seconds for every µF as value for C1. The delay can further be made variable by replacing R2 with a fixed and a variable resistor equal to that of the value of R2. Taken the value for R2 of 680K, it would be a combination of 180K for the fixed resistor in series with a 500K variable trim pot. The fixed resistor is necessary.
Sound Activated Relay Switch Using Op-Amp LM741
Sound Activated Relay Switch Using Op-Amp LM741 |
Sound Activated Relay
Thursday, May 5, 2011
19 LED Bar/Dot VU Meter Using LM3915-LM3916 ICs
list componet
R1-2 : 10Kohm C1 : 100uF/25V D1-19 : LED 3 or 5mm any colour. R3-4 : 10Kohm C2-5 : 10uF/25V D20-21: 1N4148 R5-8-9 : 1Kohm C3-4 : 100nF IC1 : TL 072 R6 : 330Kohm C6 : 1uF/25V IC2 : LM3915 R7 : 62Kohm S1 : mini Switch IC3 : LM3916 TR1: 47Kohm Trimmer
This 19 LED Bar/Dot VU Meter circuit from